Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Drug Abuse

The reason why teenagers start to use drugs is because they think there cool and that is the right thing to do. What teenagers don't think about is drugs affect teenagers emotionally, socially, and mentally. Teenagers not only hurt themselves but they also hurt there surroundings. Once a person starts doing drugs they get hooked onto it and have a hard time quitting. Some of the reasons why teenagers start to take drugs is low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, inability to express feeling, lack of control, distrust. After teenagers start using the drug they feel  drugs  make the  pain numb, unhappiness, or hopelessness that their life has become.
In conclusion, don't start taking drugs they can tear apart your life.
nikki2.jpg Drug Abuse image by alreedy


  1. i enjoyed reading your blog. it was very interesting, and im also glad to know my friends dont do drugs so i know they wont be this messed up [:

  2. i liked your blog. it was interesting and informative.

  3. I agree with your statement that drugs can tear your life apart. I have seen it happen to many people around me.

  4. I don't think that people realize all of the side effects of drugs, and how serious some of them are. I believe that when people start doing drugs it changes their lives forever.

  5. Your blog was very imformative and im happy know that none of my friends have a drug problem

  6. I do not agree that teenagers do drugs to be cool.
    i think most people do drugs to hide from their problems and fears.
    it may be the only way for them to handle certain situations.

  7. your blog is informative about drugs

  8. Very imformative and interesting.

  9. I thought your post was very informative and give some tips about drug abuse to many teens. I think drug abuse is wrong and people should not go to drugs to vent or help stop their problems. They should seek help from a teacher or a counselor.

  10. i really like your blog. it's full of details and information. drug abuse is a serious problem and i wish it wasn't such a hard thing to put to a stop.

  11. We need to raise awareness to this problem i have a friend in rehab hes a great guy just got involved with wrong people

  12. There should be better awareness groups. Also they should try and stop the drugs by cracking down on drug deals and dealers better.

  13. I am sensitve about this topic. I think drugs are bad and they can ruin a person's life.

  14. I don't think that drub abuse only targets teenagers. Many adults get wrapped up in drugs and ultimately kills them. If not right away, then the wear and tear of the drugs will affect you slowly but surely. Drug abuse is a very harsh topic. Honestly, i don't associate with anyone who uses drugs because i can't be brought into that. Miser loves company.

  15. I agree with Kat as well. Adults get wrapped in drugs. That's what happened to Corey Haim in March of this year.

  16. Drugs really can mess up a persons life, even if they think it won't

  17. this was a really informative blog and i think that there should be more groups to help prevent this from happening.
